As of Friday 3 December 2021, New Zealand is shifting into the new Covid 19 traffic light framework.
Wellington is shifting directly into "Orange" in which community sport is able to go ahead.
To continue to open the club rooms in "Orange", it means the club will require all members to be vaccinated and produce a vaccine pass.
For those who are not vaccinated, unfortunately this mandate requires that you DO NOT enter the club rooms.
Any member who is unable to produce a vaccine passport, will be politely asked to leave so that the club continue to stay open and follow the government guidelines.
For those who are currently unvaccinated, you WILL be able to continue to play cricket under the current rules, the changes only impact the club rooms at this time.
The traffic light guidelines are constantly changing and being reviewed, NOBCC reserves the right to change this position should it be required.
NOBCC would like to thank all members who have been following process, washing their hands and maintaining distances this season. We are a tight knit club, and keeping our families safe is paramount.
We look forward to another awesome weekend of cricket, lets hope the weather holds out for us!